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We get into sobriety to have a more badass life.


We gotta learn how to do pretty much all things differently, like Morning Routines!


I don’t know about you, but I don’t wanna just live a sober life. I want to THRIVE in my sober life, which is where a morning routine can be super powerful; it truly can propel us into a more intentional, high vibe day.


A few things to NOTE before getting started:

  • You are a unique individual, what may boost one persons vibe may not boost yours
  • This can take some trial in error and that is okay.
  • You are allowed to change this up if you’re not feeling it! – sometimes we just need permission, so there ya go!
  •  Join us in our FREE Brave Sober Mom community and support group where we go over this and other badass strategies and tools to rock our sober mom lives like we desire too! >> Join us HERE
  • this is NOT a list of morning routines – this is a How To create your own, so that you’re truly connected to who you are.


Grab a notepad and pen – lets rock and roll:


How To design a morning routine that vibes YOU up/fuels YOU:


How do you want to feel?

my morning routine used to be full of chores and to-do things for everyone else in the home.  Until one day, it dawned on me that I was spending my most energized time of my day focused on everything else but me.  This always got me burnt out by mid-day and resentful towards my family #truestory 

and that wasn’t how i wanted to feel and show up for my family.  Now, my morning routines have everything to do with self care because it helps me feel important to myself AND focuses on me remembering who I am, which is super empowering!


Journal prompts:

How do you wanna feel during the day?


What can you do in the morning for you?


If you picked up on it, my keywords are: important and empowered by who i am


What vibes you up?

I talk to a lot of moms and different things vibe them up than others!  I have a girlfriend who loves to workout first thing in the morning where I just want to sit in silence and pee by myself.


Journal prompts:

If you sit and think of it, when do you feel the most ALIVE?!


What can you do in the morning for you to raise your frequency?!



Journal: I journal 3 things I’m grateful for, 3 things that would make today awesome, 3 affirmations

Give yourself space: I get up before anyone else so i don’t have people demanding things of me first thing

Listen/Watch something uplifting:  Encouraging music really vibes me up!  Sometimes I watch a Personal Development show

Exercise:  I only enjoy doing this after I’ve been up for about an hour

Supplements: I totally dig high quality supplements.  I feel good about fueling my brain and body.

Food:  It vibes me up to eat a healthy breakfast like apples w/pb.


If it doesn’t workout, what will you do?

Sometimes, it just does not workout the way you intend it to.  I have a 1 and 4 year old as I’m writing this, so things are VERY unpredictable.

I used to get really mad & upset when it didn’t go the way I wanted it too but that only ended with more feelings of resentment and anger  NOTE: those feeling aren’t bad in anyway, they are completely healthy.  I just really do better with my day if I start my day more filled with love for myself and others, so that is my intention.

This is why a plan is so beneficial! 

Not to mention, your routines you pick out may not be the best fit for you in this season of your life or at all.


Journal prompts:

If either of these are true, what will you do?



Many times I just decide to turn on music & play with my kiddos as we eat our food; music is one of my things and play adds a lot of fun and joy into my life.  And then after play I’ll do some journaling.  That works for me.



so you may have just rolled your eyes here, and that’s okay HAHA i get it!!

I gave this it’s own section though because it is EXTREMELY Powerful.  If it isn’t for you, that’s okay but I encourage you to read on.

In sobriety we have to reprogram a lot of our mindset and thoughts.  THIS is why affirmations can be so powerful, because we GET to speak into ourselves TRUTH of who we are and who we desire to be.

There is no special number and no special affirmation. 

It all depends on what YOU want to believe and become. 

My only strong prompt here is that you write them down because studies have shown that our brains retain information better when writing.


Journal prompts:

What do you want to believe about yourself?

Who do you desire to be?



I am a Daughter of the ultimate Creator

I am important.

I am a playful and kind wife

I am a present and patient mom

I am someone money flows to

I am someone who receives all the gifts my Creator has for me.

I am wise with my money.

NOTE:  Most of these are things I desire to be.  I’m setting the intention of who I am.  This clicks with my heart.


And that sums it up pretty good.  If you wanna connect so we can work on your routines together, join our FREE Brave Sober Moms community & support group HERE and we’ll do this together!!


Also, if you want/need more morning routine ideas check out our other blog post: 50 Morning Routine Ideas for Sober Moms


Keep on rocking on friend,

Leona xo

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