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Hey Momma,

How you can create daily healthy habits for weight loss, healthy mindset, and/or lifestyle is quite simple!

So take a deep breath, grab some coffee, paper, and a pen.

Since 2014 I’ve been on this journey, and have changed multiple habits in my life through that time to get the life that I desire – On top of Sobriety!!

Here is a quick & simple How-To that was compiled specifically for you, so that you can have the life YOU desire too!


BTW!!  We have a FREE Brave Sober Mom community and support group you can and should join – we do all parts of motherhood, sobriety, and life together no matter what season you’re in >>>JOIN US HERE <<<


alright, lets rock & roll!


We must hit this topic first.  DON’T SKIP IT! haha, Every coach I’ve worked with always goes over this part first for the simple reason: it’s the most important part.

If your head isn’t right, your follow-through on creating your new habits will flop and you’ll give up.


You must go into the game understanding that you will mess up.

You must go into the game understanding this will be a trial & error process.

You must go into the game with grace for yourself.

You must go into the game knowing this will be uncomfortable.

You must go into the game knowing this will take time! – Studies say that a new habit is usually created after 21 days.

You must go into the game knowing you CAN DO THIS – You are a beautiful and brilliant woman. 

What have you learned in your lifetime? WRITE THIS DOWN, so you have proof that you can follow through with this new habit you want in your life.

(this list was compiled from my blog post 5 Mistakes People Make When Creating Better Habits )


This is such a fun part of this!

It’s a time to get your vision out on paper.  ALL of it!  What do you want your mornings to look like?  What about your entire day?  What about your evenings? Your relationships?  Your food habits?  Your workout habits?

Get it out on paper regardless of whether or not it seems possible.

Seriously, don’t focus on that.  Just live in that vision and put it on paper friend!

Start with 1:

Journaling was fun right?  Exhilarating maybe?  Or possibly overwhelming?

I get it.  I have had that mix of emotions with my own.

This is why we are only starting with one habit at a time, and here’s why: FOCUS

A coach of mine, Lindsay Anderson, CEO and founder of Kingdom Mom Podcast said it brilliantly that we can either focus on 10 things with diverted attention and effort, OR we can give all our attention on 1 thing with focused attention for an even greater outcome (paraphrased).

I mean, you can do what you want, obviously, but this was a lightbulb moment for me.  When I got sober, I did nothing but focus on my 1st year in sobriety to get a solid foundation.

THAT is what you gotta do to create this new habit for yourself.  Focus and create a solid foundation, so you can win at it and move onto the next one!

Cause I don’t know about you, all I know is I’d rather be a pro at one thing than an amateur at 10 different things.


Ever heard “Success is found in your daily routine?” Broken record maybe?  It’s as true as the law of gravity friend.

The easiest way I’ve found to change up my habits in my routine is alternatives.

So, it’s not about doing more – it’s about replacing your not so shabby habits for fantastic ones!

Fantastic habits that will encourage and light you up!  Fantastic habits that will in the long run give you a healthier life holistically.

Brainstorm and write it down. What bad habit in your daily routine can you replace with your good habit?

Examples from my life:

  • Coffee was replaced with a B vitamin supplement that boosts my adrenal glands.
  • Toast (high glycemic & carby) for breakfast was replaced with chai pudding packed with nutrients.
  • Going straight to my phone in the morning was replaced with drinking water & journaling.
  • Demeaning and condemning thoughts of myself were replaced with I am a Daughter of the Creator; I know who I am and I am loved.

Exciting right?!

Make It Happen

  • you have the mindset of grace
  • you know the life you wanna have
  • you found the habit you wanna replace
  • you decided how you will replace it

Nows the time to make it happen with all the compassion and grace for yourself, but also the tenacity, excitement, and determination to give it your best.


Support Yo

although alone time is totally awesome and necessary – not dissing it by any means, a community of support in any area: exercise and eating healthier, spiritual beliefs, debt payoff, sobriety, parenthood, ect…

can offer many many benefits like:

  • a safe place to land during tough times
  • others going through the trenches with you
  • knowing you’re not alone
  • higher levels of well being
  • different perspectives

We do have a FREE support and community in THIS as well as motherhood AND sobriety – come join us in our FREE Brave Sober Mom group HERE.


And that’s it.

Progress, not perfection. <3


Keep on rocking on friend,

Leona. xx

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