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I get it.  Trying to figure out where to start in creating Daily Healthy Habits can become overwhelming.  Below is a compiled list to help simplify the areas you’re wanting to change for a healthier lifestyle with simple, small daily habits to create as women wanting to lose weight, find more peace, have a healthier outlook, healthier relationships with money and other people; all while feeling like you’re moving your life in the way you desire it to go.


First, Some PRO TIPS:

  • JOIN our FREE Brave Sober Mom community & support group where we come TOGETHER in motherhood, sobriety, and other healthier habits like these HERE!!
  • check out another blog post I did that will help you grasp this wonderful journey: How Sober Moms Can Create Healthy Habits!
  • DO NOT try to do all these at once.  Pick one at a time in the area you want to go in; CRUSH that for 3-4 weeks and then add another.


alright, lets rock and roll.


Losing Weight

  • Drink at least ½ your body weight in water
  • Move for 30 minutes
  • LOVE your body where it’s at – write it love notes!
  • Ditch the scale
  • Replace one sugary drink with flavored or non-flavored water
  • Pack your lunch
  • Meal Plan weekly and stick to your list (Check out our Blog Post: 11 Tips on Meal Plan Budgeting)
  • Eat 6-7 small meals & snacks throughout the day
  • Flood your body with quality supplements (my fav is here )
  • Replace sugary sweets with natural sweet treats (I eat dried dates vs. cookies)



  • Journal right when you wake up (Fav Five-Minute Journal is HERE)
  • Learn & study who you are as a person/Child of the Creator
  • At the end of the day, recall what you condemned yourself for and forgive yourself.
  • Do 10 minutes of personal development every day (podcasts, books, audiobooks, shows, etc.)
  • Embrace trial & error process
  • Eat healthy food
  • Catch it when you condemn yourself and say something positive about yourself.
  • Apologize when you are wrong.
  • Stop Complaining & seek solution
  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep.

Gaining Internal Peace

  • Stop and Pause
  • Meditate
  • Forgive yourself and others
  • Apologize when you’re wrong
  • Nap
  • Stop complaining & seek solution (double list)
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Do something you enjoy (read a book, play with kids, draw, etc..)
  • Brain dump problems, to-do’s, and thoughts in a journal
  • Write a list of 3 things you’re grateful for
  • Have a dance party to your favorite song


Money Management

  • Stop condemning yourself with your spending habits
  • Look at money goals daily (you need to set some if you don’t already)
  • Focus on saving vs. spending
  • When stressed about money, remember who your true Provider is.
  • Budget with percentages vs. dollars and cents (check out our blog post: Managing and Saving Money without Stress)
  • Stop increasing debt (credit cards, cars, toys, etc.)
  • Meal Plan
  • Invest in quality life items within reason (date night with hubby, supplements for health, etc.)
  • Be grateful for your bills
  • Find happiness with what you have
  • Journal negative thoughts and emotions around money
  • BONUS: go through our FREE Redeeming Finanaces eCourse



  • Say Hi to one person (in person or phone)
  • Pray for family and friends
  • Set boundaries
  • Spend quality time with them
  • Allow family and friends to help you in a healthy way
  • Do something healthy for someone else
  • Learn how you can love others per their love language and then do that
  • Share with others what your love language is and how you receive love
  • Honest conversations
  • Have fun together

BONUS: Set Boundaries

  • Phone
  • Personal time
  • Time with spouse
  • Time with kids
  • With sweets
  • TV
  • Condemnation
  • Stuff (clutter/things)
  • Money
  • Business


Wow!  That was powerful – I’ll let you in on a secret, I only listed things that I’ve actually applied to my life.  #truestory I don’t believe in suggesting things I wouldn’t do myself.


Another gander on the PRO TIPS:

  • JOIN our FREE Brave Sober Mom community & support group where we come TOGETHER in motherhood, sobriety, and other healthier habits like these HERE!!
  • check out another blog post I did that will help you grasp this wonderful journey: How Sober Moms Can Create Healthy Habits!
  • DO NOT try to do all these at once.  Pick one at a time in the area you want to go in; CRUSH that for 3-4 weeks and then add another.


Keep on rocking on friend,

Leona. xx

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