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Just in case you’re looking to make some extra cash or create multiple streams of income in case one flops, here are 5 Side Hustle Ideas for you Sober Mom!

Shameless plug:  We talk about these things and MORE while we do sober mom life together in our FREE Brave Sober Moms community and support group!  Join us HERE; we’d truly love to have you be a part of our community!

Alright, down to biz..

1. The Affiliate thing

This was mind-blowing for me when I learned about this!

What is an affiliate?  It’s a contract you agree to with another party that if you promote their products &/or services, you gain a commission from it!  It can range anywhere from points towards a product, 5%, 40%, or more depending on the company you become partners with!

Super dope because you can do this with companies that you’re passionate about: health items, courses, makeup, books, web design, camping gear,  ect..  the sky is basically the limit.

I’m have different affiliates for different items that I enjoy doing, so it’s a natural thing to share about them!

2. The Blog thing

Ever feel like you have something in you to share with the world?  Or maybe a specific group (like for me, it’s Sober Moms)?

This is a beautiful and powerful way to not only impact the world but create an income stream for you!  You can create content that corresponds with a product you’re an affiliate for (recall #1?!)!! 

yeppers, obviously I do this since you’re reading my blog.  This all didn’t happen on accident though; cause I was CLUELESS about all of these blog things and then to having a fully functioning blog, +8k visitors looking at my content from Pinterest, and much much more for blogging to be a stream of income.

I highly recommend you getting the Pro Blogger Bundle by Create & Go.

….see what I did there? 😉

3. The Etsy thing

so multiple women I know are creating beautiful pieces and selling them!

A girlfriend makes jewelry, one knits or crochets ( i can’t recall), and another one makes inspirational signs!

soooo I USED to think this isn’t really my thing, but then i started making THESE and fell in love!!

who knows! If you’ve got that creative itch it’s a great avenue!



4. The Network Marketing Thing

I know, I know….

I can FEEL your eye roll 😉

but for reals, this is an amazing opportunity.  You can usually find a network marketing company in something you’re passionate with….just like Affiliates!

The cool thing about this style of business (so I have a Bachelors in Business) is most of them foot the overhead costs.  Like, you don’t have to have a warehouse, product on hand (although some do require this so i’d look for that when choosing one), and they will hook you up with a website to send your clients directly though; oh, AND mail the product directly to your client.

That’s a lot of work off of your hands.

If you’re into this style of business but don’t wanna be that sleezy, slimy salesmen, nor the Hey Girl messenger lady, I 100% recommend you go to Kingdom Mom <<<click there) right now and join her program.  Cause I was that girl, but since working with her I’m not like that anymore!


5. Product & Services

So this can also be under Etsy, and blogging, BUT I’m talking about Products you make and your Intellectual Property (IP for short) posted on your personally created website.

This is designing your own website and selling products from it yourself (instead of Etsy); I have a girlfriend who makes soaps, massage oil, elderberry syrup kits and sells them on her website!  She does all the ordering of products, packages them in her home, and then ships them out herself as the orders come in and LOVES IT!

You can also design your own membership website to sell your intellectual property; this typically consists of courses for any shape and form.

I have a girlfriend who teaches on women’s cycles pairing with the moon and how to get them both working for you!

I have another girlfriend who teaches how to do your makeup so that you’re camera ready based on TV celebrity makeup secrets!

Sky is the limit!


so, i hope this was helpful!!  We go over more things like this in our FREE Brave Sober Moms group if you wanna join us there!


keep on rocking on!


Leona. xo


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