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Through my own journey & some supportive facts, I believe these are the 5 most common mistakes people make when Creating Better Habits.

While reading these, be honest with yourself.  Not in a shaming and condemning way, BUT in a way of becoming aware and what can you do to overcome them!


ALSO:  We offer a FREE Brave Sober Mom community and support group that will help you along motherhood, sobriety AND Creating better habits for your life.  Go HERE now to join us!!


alrighty, let’s dive in:


Mistake #1: 

It’s too uncomfortable

Most people give up quickly because it’s too uncomfortable. I get this.  Forbes shares that “according to the US News, 80% of people give up on their New Year’s resolution within the second week of February.”

Is that you too?

I used to call myself the 2-week wonder because I would give up on my goal after two weeks of starting something because of this exact thing.  It was either too uncomfortable physically, emotionally, mentally, and/or spiritually.

Forbes does go into a few reasons why, but fail to mention what I believe is the #1 reason we allow discomfort to be an excuse and that is because of our mindset.

Because shit WILL get uncomfortable. It’s the nature of the beast, and when we can go in with the mindset of embracing that TRUTH, then we have a better chance of rocking it out till the goal is reached &/or the new habit is created!

Mistake #2:

Too high expectations for themselves

Let’s say you want to start jogging or running.  And right off the bat, your goal is to jog for a mile even though you have never jogged.  That is setting yourself up to fail.

Let’s say you want to start waking up earlier than 8 am and immediately go for 5 am.  That isn’t going to work.  That is setting yourself up to fail.

The bar is being set way too high when you really need to set a realistic expectation, and then once you can crush that for about a week THEN go a little further or wake up a little earlier.

Slow and steady win the race Friend!


Mistake #3:

Being impatient and wanting the results NOW

I’m sooooo called out on this one! For the majority of my life, I have struggled with this one and still need to check myself at times!

My recent mentor, with Kingdom Mom, just shared with me that wanting something and wanting something NOW is a toddler mentality. BURN, that totally hit home since I currently have a 3 year old toddler.  For me, awareness can be so super helpful!

Here are 3 quotes hitting this topic pretty well:

“Impatience can cause wise people to do foolish things” – Janette Oke

“Impatience or victory guarantees defeat.” – Luis XIV

Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind.

Proverbs 21:5 (MSG)

Mistake #4:

Unwilling to Trial and Error

This was a HUGE epiphany for me when I started changing things up in my life.  Because I was done with these certain things and so there was no going back.  But oddly enough, I would get really upset with myself if things didn’t work out how I thought they should – then it dawned on me that I had never been here before, so how would I know how this would work for me.

Not only that but in different seasons things will change.

This is a direct message to you my friend!  Give yourself some grace and figure out how to make this new change work for your life with peace; regardless of what anyone else says or thinks.

Mistake #5:

Disbelief of their ability to follow through

I once went to a business seminar and the coach said (paraphrased) that the best investment you can make that gives the biggest return on investment is in yourself.  I remember thinking, “sure, for other people but I never follow through; there is no way this can apply to me, so it’s not an investment and just wasted money.”

Ever feel that way?

I didn’t believe I could heal my marriage, or get sober, or stick to a workout regime, or pay off $80k worth of debt…. The list goes on. I HAVE followed through on a lot of things…

What have you followed through on?

Look back & think of all the things you have accomplished.

HOMEWORK: Make a list and remind yourself of what you ARE capable of.  It can even be something small, like finishing a recipe or going from point A to point B.

You have it in you to follow through – take that list and use that fuel for this next thing you want to do in your life.


Bonus Mistake #6:

Lack of community and support

go ahead, if it makes you feel better roll your eyes HAHA I used to feel the same way!  Facts are, when you’re surrounded with people on the same journey/direction as you – it makes the changes easier for multiple reasons:

  • you know you’re not alone
  • they are your support on a rough day
  • you can find a lot of different ideas/tips/tricks to accomplish your goal
  • it’s a whole VIBE when a group of people are doing things together

this is exactly why we opened our FREE Brave Sober Mom community!  Go here and join us to be a part of it!!


I hope this helped you.

Keep on rocking on friend,

Leona. xx

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