I don’t know about you, but through out my life outside of sobriety and in sobriety I have felt like sometimes I just needed permission to do XYZ.
Here me out; there are deeply rooting programs from generations, including your parents and just society as a whole, and you very well may not even know that you have this THING in you that wants to break free.
I am NOT saying we are incapable of making our own decision nor doing our own things without permission – in fact, I very much have a rebel heart and the big FU is how I have gotten sober & stayed sober.
What I AM saying is that there are times we didn’t even know on a subconscious level that we CAN do things that upset other people BUT help us heal tremendously.
So here 30 Things Sober Moms Have Permission To Do:
To Let Go:
- Of friends who continue to hurt you
- Of family who continue to hurt you
- Of who you were before sobriety
- Of old ideas that keep you going back to the bottle/pills/pot ect..
- Of Self condemnation & shame
- Of ideas of how you should show up in your life from those whose life you wouldn’t even want.
- Of other people’s opinions &/or ideas of you
- Of things that don’t feel right
To Set Boundaries:
- In your home regarding booze/drugs so you feel safe
- With whom you hang out with and for how long
- For whom is allowed into your home and space
- For whom is in your kiddo(s) life – like if you had an abusive parent or have a weird gut instinct about someone, you DO NOT have to allow them into your kiddo(s) life.
- With what activities you will do with friends: check out the blog post 17 Sober Mom Hang Out Ideas
Are Allowed To:
- Stay sober regardless of losing friends, family, or other connections that are special to you – in which case, join our free Sober Mom support group to be with others moms on the same path as you!!
- Grieve your life in addiction, letting go of friends & old ways, setting boundaries, what you wish had been different. It’s all allowed.
- Crying is a beautiful cleansing process and it’s important for “Big Girls” to cry: you can also check out the blog post How Sober Moms Can Release Emotional Energy without Crying
- Be happy. You are not getting sober and doing all this work to stay sad and miserable. You have permission to be happy for all of the good and trying times in your life.
- Create your life however you want it to be.
- LOVE who you are authentically. All the quirks!! And if you could use some guidance &/or leveling up in this area check out our free TRUE Self Empowered Guide here
- Heal by whatever means necessary
- Have a Higher Power of your own understanding
- Take breaks from relationships (significant others/friendships/family) to see if you feel safer without them.
- Hire/get help with your kiddos &/or your home so you can rest &/or go have fun.
- Put your kiddos in front of a movie while you lay in bed to meditate/nap/read a book/watch your show or movie
- Trial & error your life and days
- Give yourself some grace and love like you would your own children & friends
- Not make sense to those you used to hang with, to yourself, or society
- Not be okay.
- Say no to anything that isn’t taking your life where YOU want it to go.
- Be a masterpiece and piece of work simultaneously!
Hopefully that was helpful. To be honest, it was really healing for myself as I was writing this.
Again, we have a Brave Sober Mom support group where we talk on all things like this 24/7/365 and we’d love to have you in there!
Keep rockin’ on,

Latest posts by Leona Shell (see all)
- 30 Things Sober Moms Have Permission To Do - September 22, 2022
- How Sober Moms Can Release Emotional Energy Without Crying - August 31, 2022
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